Breakfast is substantial, and you know that it should contain all the nutritional components to make you active all day. You have to ensure that the choices you make should set the tone of the day. A healthy breakfast can even reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer. Buttery cakes, doughnuts, pastries, sugary items are not the only food items you have to avoid. Here we are going to list seven foods that you should not eat for breakfast. Some are going to surprise you.
Avoid these not-so-healthy breakfast foods.
Cereal that is great in carbohydrates and sugar but low in fibre will trigger your blood sugar to increase, then quickly drop! So it can get you mid-morning cravings and moodiness. It is the most convenient food, so make sure that you make it high in fibre by adding berries, dry fruits, a spatter of wheat germ or flaxseed, or sliced almonds.
Bacon, ham and sausage
The nitrates present in processed meat are associated with colorectal cancer. The Institute for Cancer Research published a list of the top ten things you should do to decrease the risk of cancer. And the number one of them is avoiding nitrates. So, the morning meat eater should find a better option.
Green Juice
Green vegetables contain all necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But, they are also high in sugar and lacks fibre and protein. Therefore, go for a green juice which is low in sugar and also combine it with nut butter, eggs, yoghurt, fruits which are healthy.
A cup of non-fat yoghurt
They come in many flavours such as red velvet cheesecake, but non-fat yoghurts are usually loaded with artificial sweeteners and chemicals.
Pre-mixed oatmeal
Of course, these Pre-mixed oatmeal are east to make. But they are lower in fibre and high in sugar. If really wish to stay healthy, then make a batch of homemade instant oatmeal packets which are high in fibre.
Toast with buttery spread
Bread is fine, but a fake butter on it is not good for your health. Most of the buttery spreads and margarine contain trans fats, an unhealthy, synthetic fat that can boost bad cholesterol, lower your good cholesterol, and up your risk of getting heart disease and diabetes. If you prefer bread, you use a little bit of real butter and add some veggies or eggs.
A cup of coffee alone will not make an ideal breakfast. The caffeine in the coffee can dull your appetite. So enjoy your coffee with a light meal or snack which includes fruit, nuts, butter or cheese.